Scarlet Wrightia is a small tree up to 20 m tall. Bark is pale gray to
brownish; branchlets warty, hairless. Leaf-stalks are about 5 mm. Leaves
are elliptic to ovate, 5-17 X 3-8 cm, hairless or hairy along veins on the
underside, tip long-pointed. Lateral veins are 8-14 pairs. Showy scarlet
flowers are borne singly or in cymes, 2-3.5 cm. Sepals are broadly ovate,
5-9 mm. Flowers are reddish, funnel-shaped. Tube is bellshaped, shorter
than the sepal cup, petals are broadly obovate. Corona is crimson,
cup-shaped, tip incised. Anthers protrude out. Seed pods are linear,
fused, 14-20 cm, prominently spotted. Seeds are linear, about 2 cm.
Scarlet Wrightia is found in dense mountain forests of East India, at
altitudes of 300-1800 m. Flowering: January-May.
Identification credit: Ritesh Choudhary
Photographed in Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh.
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